シェイ・ミッチェルのインスタグラム(shaymitchell) - 4月17日 03時10分

When I asked for people to help celebrate my birthday by donating to a cause I hold so close to my heart ( @somalymamfoundation ) , I couldn’t have fathomed the love and generosity that was received. I am sincerely overwhelmed and grateful for the outpour of selflessness, charity and love for not only myself but for the innocent souls that are affected by sex slavery everyday.  Every dollar that came in has made a difference and no donation was greater than the other.  We all have our own story and our own situations but to get out of yourself and help another, is something we should all strive to do more often.
On that note, in honor of my birthday month I want to keep the campaign going and not just donate because it’s my birthday wish, but donate because we can make a difference - because it isn’t about me or you - it is about US and making this world a better, safer and happier place.
If you haven’t already (and if you have thank you, thank you) go to: http://www.crowdrise.com/shaysbirthday/fundraiser/shaymitchell to make a donation - every little bit helps.  Again - I just want to stress how thankful I am and how inspiring this is. I see each and every donation come in and will acknowledge each and everyone of you! Love to all! ? !!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




