Lil Buckのインスタグラム(lilbuckdalegend) - 4月15日 11時59分

Tonight was VERY successful! I would just like to add that I am deeply humbled & honored to be chosen as the 2014 Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence of the @aspeninstitute! I'd Also like to thank this man next to me in the photo. For those that do not know, this man is Damian Woetzel. He is The Head of the Presidents Committee on the Arts & Humanities! This guy is all about filling this word with the Arts and inspiring our youth to be more active with the arts because it is a BIG deal! This world we live in now! This modernized world that we all love & Live in would be what nearly as amazing as it is now without the Artistic Vision of the people before us that helped mold our beautiful world! Most of the time, all it takes is a little spark of inspiration to make us want more out of life and to put a dent in the universe. This guy #DamianWoetzel, with the help of other amazing artist we work with, helped me to get a clear vision of all of the minds that not only wanted a spark of inspiration but NEEDED one! I am forever greatful! Thank you for everything D-MAN! Hahaha


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