Daily Overviewのインスタグラム(dailyoverview) - 4月14日 01時57分

Ash and sludge waste ponds at the Tolk Coal Power Station in Sudan, Texas, United States.

Today, a report released by a committee of U.N-appointed experts stated that countries of the world have dragged their feet so long on global warming that the situation is now critical and only an intensive worldwide push over the next 15 years can stave off potentially disastrous climatic changes later in the century.

The committee found that if countries keep stalling on tougher climate rules, trillions of dollars will be invested in coming years in power plants, cars and buildings that use too much energy from fossil fuels. The result would be an emissions path that would be almost impossible to alter in time to get to the very low carbon pollution levels that scientists think are necessary by 2050. "The widespread perception that a scarcity of fossil fuels will lead to the development of alternatives in time to salvage the climate is wrong" said Ottmar Edenhofer, a German economist and co-chairman of the committee. That is because higher prices and improved drilling technology are leading to an intensified hunt for new fossil energy, and it effectively means that policies have to be found that will leave much of the world’s coal, oil and gas reserves in the ground. “The scarcity of fossil fuels will not solve our problem,” Dr. Edenhofer said. “We are in the middle of a fossil fuel renaissance.”

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