レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 4月10日 04時12分

The correct way of moving into Urdvha Dhanurasana: nothing lifts before the hips! Begin in bridge and do your best to engage the inner thighs, but try not to tense the upper glutes. Reach your arms straight up into the sky once you're in your highest lift (you want to feel this in your thoracic, never your lumbar spine). Ground your shoulders and plug the arm into the socket. Reverse the palms of your hands, come lightly to the crown of your head and PAUSE to pull your elbows in! Think chaturanga arms without letting the elbows splay out to the sides. Now, first now, come all the way up. Keep a slight tuck of the chin to allow a neutral curve of the cervical spine (don't compress the neck by tilting your head all the way back). Breathe! Expand! Enjoy! (and most importantly, do it on land before you attempt on water)? @bogayoga #bogayoga #supyoga #wheelpose


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