unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月9日 03時54分

Behind the smile lies a sad story. Majok, 10, escaped from his village in #SouthSudan when it was attacked. His father was killed and his mentally unstable mother was nowhere to be found. While running away from violence, Majok and his grandmother got separated. "I last saw my grandmother when we were running to the bush for safety. I don’t know where she went to. I hope she is alive and safe somewhere," he said. Majok is one of the 1,058 children who have been identified as separated from their families in the wake of the violence. #UNICEF South Sudan and our partners are tracing families of these children and so far 223 unaccompanied, separated or missing children have been reunified with their families. © UNICEF South Sudan/2014/Kolok


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