ミーシャ・ジーのインスタグラム(mishage8) - 4月4日 23時09分

With Amazing and Great Akiko Suzuki ! (It was so touching to watch her last, great and wonderful performance this time! Im very happy she did great job and great finish in hew amazing carrier. To.Akiko: You are wonderful person Akiko-Chan and great skater, it was so happy for everyone to be with you on same competitions all these years, we will miss you a lot in ProSkating but hope we will often to meet you on different competition or shows, we wishing all the best for you in future life no matter what you do. Be always as you are : Positive, Smiling, and Happy Person) Sincerely your friend Misha ^_^. #WeLoveAkiko❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



