ジェレミー・テンのインスタグラム(jeremyjten) - 4月2日 16時10分

Wishing the Happiest of birthdays to my little bro, Spencer (@ssoo60). Watching you grow up into the kind and gentle soul that you have become has brought me so much pride. You inspire me to be a better friend, a better role model, and a better person each and every day. No matter what, I know we'll be in each others lives for a long time and there for each other through thick and thin. Always stay true to yourself and don't let others influence you in the wrong direction; create and follow your own path. You deserve nothing but the best buddy, don't ever forget that. The world would be a better place with more people like you. Cheers. #Bros4Life #Broskies #FistPump #Regram #FriendsForever #GotYourBack #HappyBirthday #BirthdayBoy #WednesdayRewind #TheyGrowUpSoFast #Proud #BigHeart


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