アリミ・バラードのインスタグラム(alimiballard) - 3月27日 07時53分

Short Story: Yesterday I received a call ( out the 'blue' ) from a director who's last 2 films have grossed over $1.4 BILLION globally. This director KINDLY asked if I'd like work on something he's doing. First I caught my breath ( SON!! ) then replied, "You kidding me brotha, Bring it!!" We laughed 4 a bit & then hung up. My Message/Why share?: Aaaaaall last week my heart was PESTERED w/ Non-stop Nagging Frustration & Fear. My mind wouldn't SHUT UP!!! Instead of joining in...I FORCE FEED them demons GRATITUDE. Made myself recounted ALL that I am Sincerely ThankFUL 4 :) GRATITUDE DISSOLVES NEGATIVITY!!!! #FAITHoverFear #KeepGOING #MiracleWORK


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