レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 3月26日 07時56分

So we flew in from Costa Rica via three other countries to get to Sweden five days ago and went straight from the airport to Åre for snow, clean air, spa days and snowboarding. Today we drove seven hours south and went straight to the castle where we're getting married in June for a full menu tasting and lots of wine with my girlfriends who I love so, so much. Now we're in Stockholm. Tomorrow we'll be on tv and then we're getting tattoos and after that we're going to Estonia. Very happy about this hotel room, by the way (just look at Ringo). Life is so odd. So strange. I'm laughing one moment, crying the next. And it's ok. Life is a river and I'm letting the current take me anywhere it needs to go. I'm just along for the ride. We're all ending up the same place, anyway... Right? All roads lead to the same place.
Stillness lies beneath us.

Let go.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
