ジョー・キンダーのインスタグラム(joekinder) - 3月22日 13時20分

I am SO psyched to have sent my 2 year project Maquina Muerte. I am ecstatic over this one as I put in so much work. I bolted her two years ago and tried her at random periods of time to no avail. This year I set aside a block of time and with major perseverance it occurred (of course) randomly today last try 2nd day on. Snap!! I am still buzzing and cannot believe it actually happened! I love this stuff so much and I owe my belayers big. Thank you guys. I LOVE ROCK CLIMBING!!!! @blackdiamondequipment @xyiencexenergy @グレゴリー @sterlingrope @lasportivana thanks@for the photo Tyler Webb. #maquinamuerte


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



