メアリー・モーサのインスタグラム(missmarymmouser) - 3月20日 11時59分

So this afternoon I had to rush my bae Bambola to the Vet. Not a fun morning. We were told not to expect her to last half an hour much less a day. Her gums were white, her pulse and temperature nonexistent, her blood sugar was low and she couldn't swallow.
But I refused to let them put her down, not without a fight. Because my bunny is my baby. And because Bambola has been my little buddy and confidante and she didn't let me down through anything I've faced so how can I possibly let her down? How could I just give up on her when her whole life has been about making me smile, huh?
So here we are over seven hours later and she's surprised even the vets with her improval. Pink gums, strong pulse, temp of 98(100 being normal for bunnies), her blood sugar is 215(on the high side of normal for a bunny), and she's able to swallow syringe feedings and go to the bathroom!
Next step is seeing if she can make it through the night, she'll be taken off oxygen but left on her IV. If I get her home she'll henceforth and forever be known as Proncess Bambola. No matter what she's already defied the odds and proved herself to be a true fighter.
I love her and want her home. I don't know of anyone is like "it's just a pet" because anyone who knows my family knows that A) we don't give up and B) family is family—blood or species the same or not. So send good vibes her way okay? Much love, MM.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



