レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 3月6日 02時42分

Found this little guy in the kitchen this morning. Super poisonous centipede! Way, way worse than scorpions. Can kill little Ringo with one sting. I don't kill any beings, ever... Not Mosquitos, not bugs, and I don't eat anything with a central nervous system. Going fishing with my parents when I was little I would throw all the fish back into the ocean, thinking I was saving them. I could never bear the idea of people around me hurting animals, large or small.

I once took a yoga teacher training and saw the head teacher smack a bug on her yoga mat; I knew then and there I would never resonate with her teachings. It's about loving mindfulness and caring for all beings! To each their own, but I do my best to teach with love for our entire universe. Not just select beings.

However: here is my dilemma. I did feel alright about @frej_e making sure this centipede didn't hurt us this morning. Thinking about ahimsa today... Where do we draw line? Do you practice non-harm? What's your take? Remember that there are 8 limbs to this practice we call yoga. Let's discuss!

#yoga #ahimsa #nonharm #love


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




