アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 2月23日 15時30分

Felt guilty for cheating last night with a whole bowl of pho bo last night plus spring rolls and what not!!! It's crazy how when you eat anything wheat you instantly bloat! Specially the lower little bulge of the tummy! It's sooooo hard to lose! One day it's flat come evening it's back again! So decided to workout double time with plyo cardio circuit + fast & furious abs from my #insanity kit. 7 days of Insanity & 6 days of Plyometrics. 13 days of working out with one rest day! Big pat on the back Anne! Hope I can inspire all you other ladies out there to keep your FIT resolution for this year!!! Trust me! I'm struggling too. Let's do this! Stay #motivated #superbod


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