ローガン・ハフマンのインスタグラム(loganhuffman77) - 2月16日 14時39分

This was a candid I was entirely unaware of taken bye @bjpandabear on Valentine's Day. Feels as though I should explain myself. I did not have a valentine so I thought it was a good idea to get in my finest Tuxedo pick a fresh red rose from a lovely bush. To seek and find a valentine. I walked all the way from the Hollywood sign to Los Feliz, but for some reason I didn't feel compelled to give the rose to the right girl. I walked all the way back to the 101 Café I was tired and a little down as single men are naturally on these sort of days. So I sat at a booth and asked for a glass of water as soon as I sit down A little girl around the age of eight walk straight to me she stared at me and then she looked at the Rose. It seems that I found the girl that would truly appreciate a Gentlemens gesture I then said "sweetheart would you be my Valentine" and handed her the Red rose and softly she said thank you. I believe this will be the most memorable Valentine's Day I will ever have. valentine's Day isn't necessarily about being with someone it's about celebrating love.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



