CNNのインスタグラム(cnn) - 2月7日 04時50分

In the countdown to the Winter Games, Russian animal rights activists have accused city authorities of ramping up a campaign to exterminate street dogs through the use of poison. Reports of the widespread culling of animals have put city and Olympic officials on the defensive. "All stray dogs that are found on the Olympic Park are collected by a professional veterinary contractor for the well-being of the people on the Park and the animals themselves," the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee said in a statement this week. "Over the last couple of days, when this uproar began, they built this new shelter just for the media," said Vlada Provotorova, a dentist who built her own make-shift shelter to protect dogs from extermination. Provotorova and several friends continue to donate time and money to feed, house and sterilize the dozen street dogs they placed in a small kennel they built on the outskirts of Sochi. This week, the dogs barked and wagged their tails madly when Provotorova and several other volunteers arrived with fresh supplies of dog food. - CNN's Ivan Watson (@ivancnn) #CNNSochi


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