タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月26日 14時43分

Thoughts....?? Please post below!! People are in your life for a reason others are there for a SEASON.... It's very important that you get out of your emotions and make CLEAR decision about who and what belongs in your life or NOT.... You have people in your life that are waking up everyday trying to figure out how can they can STOP you from being all that God has destined you to be.... Pray and ask for clarity, and when God reveals that uncomfortable raw truth to you..... The next move will be yours..... Unapologetically get rid of all things that no longer belong.. I hope at least one person out there is listening and preparing their spirit to make those bold uncomfortable decisions..... Not everybody you show up with can go where God has destined YOU to be.... Do it.... Just do it... I love you... Yup I do... Merry Christmas... @タイリース・ギブソン follow me on Facebook.com/tyresegibsononline


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