ベン・ボーラーのインスタグラム(benballer) - 12月25日 14時29分

I started my own family pretty late in life and I don't regret it because I was too wild and not ready to take on that responsibility but nothing is greater than being a dad. And sharing that with family is the most important thing in my life. I had my ups and downs with my fam too because I'm a lot different. But I learned to never turn my back on my family even if they turned their backs to me. Now I even work less but just enough to make sure my son and future kids have the life I never did. Merry Christmas to all my friends and followers. From love to hate I want to wish you all the greatest holiday possible. And whatever your past is, just know your future is flawless. Go get em in 2014 if you didn't this year. Healthy and wealthy. And wealth isn't measured by money, it's measured by love. Peace


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