ミッチェル・マネーのインスタグラム(michellemoney) - 12月15日 05時00分

Happy Birthday to my best friend. My life partner. My better half. My eternal companion. The L to my M. The peanut to my butter (jiff natural of course) The espresso to my latte, the broccoli to my chicken, the cheese to my wine, the clips to my hair extensions, the SJ to my P. The Lacie to my MacBook. The password to my login. The upgrade to my silver medallion. The snooze button to my alarm. The pedi to my mani. The JFK to my LAX......and so much more. I love you. I am so grateful you were born. I am also writing this as I am watching you get a massage in my front room and your back looks totes sexy. Well done on that. Keep up the good work. #wearenotlesbians #justbesties #notthatthereisanythingwrongwithbeingalesbian #anyway #happybdayLaura


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