レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月30日 02時12分

Hey you guys it's @ringo_thegringo here (you know, the cutest pup you've ever seen ever?!). This is my favorite picture of me (I'm the one on the left) because it shows how long my legs are. I have the longest legs in the world! And the longest nose. Long noses are cool?
SO I stole mommy's phone and she doesn't know it... I'm too smart for her!? Also, I ate one of her shoes just now (great day so far). Anyway I just wanted to tell you all to follow me on Instagram!! Now! My account is way, way cooler than this one. Seriously. I'm stunt puppy. I don't need yoga to be cool... I'm a Jedi! Oh crap oh crap mommy is back now and she doesn't look happy... I guess I'll wait to tell her about the present I left in the hallway until later ok ok byeee for now✌️ @ringo_thegringo
#musteatshoesforstrength #stuntpuppy #alwaysprepared #youdontneedopppsablethumbstobeoninstagram #duuh #ringothegringo #peaceout ??


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