ソチオリンピックのインスタグラム(sochi2014) - 11月23日 19時01分

#Sochi2014 Olympic Flame goes underwater at Lake #Baikal. We are proud to share with you this unique photos.
The first torchbearer on Lake Baikal was TV presenter and biologist Ivan Zatevakhin. On the boat, he handed over the Olympic Flame to diver Nicholay Rybachenko, an employee of the Baikal search-and-rescue team of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Rybachenko then took the lit Torch below the surface of Lake Baikal, where his dive culminated with a "Flame Kiss" at a depth of 13 meters. He then passed the Olympic Flame to Ekaterina Andreeva, a famous TV presenter and permanent newsreader on the program Vermya, who then transferred the Flame, underwater, to torchbearer Aleksandr Vronsky, a senior vice president of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee.
As the last underwater torchbearer, Vronsky raised the Flame to the surface of the lake and transferred it to Mikhail Chuev, who spectacularly rocketed over the lake at a height of 10-meters using a jetpack, which allowed him to bring the Flame directly to the shore. There he handed the Flame to rhythmic gymnast Daria Dmitrieva, the London 2012 Olympic all-around silver medalist.


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