I didn't know what photo to post with this comment so I chose this little creature lying next to me and his gorgeous butt. Doesn't he have the cutest butt ever? He does. Wait - does this mean I am trying to sell you Italian Greyhound butts now?? Well I guess it does!! Everybody --- go get yourselves an Italian Greyhound you simply MUST!?? Excuse my sarcasm but I'm not in the mood for judgemental comments right now. Ok so if you haven't noticed yet I am having the shittiest day, and I put a picture up of a package I just received as a gift that happened to cheer me up. It could have been anything, from anyone, and the reason I posted it was because it brightened my otherwise shitty day just a little. But no, all of a sudden I am hypocritical?? I do not work for Nike. I get a gazillion packages per week from all sorts of companies, does that mean I work for all of them too? I didn't ask to receive this. If McDonalds gave me a free burger, am I suddenly employed by McDonalds? The answer is no. Not everything I put on here is for marketing. And do you really want to attack me on this writing from your Apple smart phones? I mean... Really? I don't like being scrutinized and having to watch every little detail of what I do. I am not perfect. I am not a saint, and I have bad days just like anyone else. It's called being human. So before you attack me, how about you review your own life and maybe we can talk about these little glasshouses we like to throw stones in from time to time? This too shall pass. Full vented post on the blog and yes, sometimes bad days mean there is a marvelous one waiting tomorrow.

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月16日 04時48分

I didn't know what photo to post with this comment so I chose this little creature lying next to me and his gorgeous butt. Doesn't he have the cutest butt ever? He does. Wait - does this mean I am trying to sell you Italian Greyhound butts now?? Well I guess it does!! Everybody --- go get yourselves an Italian Greyhound you simply MUST!?? Excuse my sarcasm but I'm not in the mood for judgemental comments right now.

Ok so if you haven't noticed yet I am having the shittiest day, and I put a picture up of a package I just received as a gift that happened to cheer me up. It could have been anything, from anyone, and the reason I posted it was because it brightened my otherwise shitty day just a little. But no, all of a sudden I am hypocritical?? I do not work for Nike. I get a gazillion packages per week from all sorts of companies, does that mean I work for all of them too? I didn't ask to receive this. If McDonalds gave me a free burger, am I suddenly employed by McDonalds? The answer is no. Not everything I put on here is for marketing. And do you really want to attack me on this writing from your Apple smart phones? I mean... Really? I don't like being scrutinized and having to watch every little detail of what I do. I am not perfect. I am not a saint, and I have bad days just like anyone else. It's called being human. So before you attack me, how about you review your own life and maybe we can talk about these little glasshouses we like to throw stones in from time to time?

This too shall pass. Full vented post on the blog and yes, sometimes bad days mean there is a marvelous one waiting tomorrow.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
