テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 11月13日 13時56分

My whole life I have heard what a "loser" I was & because I dropped out of school I would never be someone..even though I was forced to drop out due to bullying. To my family & peers, I was still wasn't good enough. After I got my diploma I left my small southern city & decided to prove ever one wrong. Little did I know, the only person I owed anything to was myself. Now, 9 years later I'm behind the scenes doing what I love...for a living. Against all odds, I never gave up. This is for all of you that never "measured" up... never let someone's opinion of you become your reality. #effyourbeautystandards #tessmunster #plussizemodel #behindthescenes


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