タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 11月12日 02時42分

When bullsh*t people reveal themselves all of a sudden Loyalty has an expiration date..... People are IN your life for a reason... Others for a SEASON and it's very important that you recognize when people's seasons are OVER!!!!!!!!!! In your mind you may think ( you have to have some kind of beef or an issue with that person to cut them off..). NOT TRUE!! There are blessings and opportunities that God has created for you that has your NAME on it!!! My prayer over your life and career is that you step out on faith... Walk into the unfamiliar and he BOLDLY Re-Active that GIANT within you.... With Christ we can achieve and do ALL THINGS!!! I love you.... Take Gods hand and walk...... I did! - Tyrese


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