アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 11月11日 13時18分

Thank you to everyone who took time to come visit my impromptu garage sale yesterday. All of the proceeds will go to @worldvisionph Now, as much as I wanted to donate my clothes, my gowns, shorts and heels would not have been appropriate to send to our kababayans. At least through selling my items, together we have raised money to buy the IMMEDIATE RELIEF they NEED. Water, food, powdered milk for infants, medicine for the wounded. Still! This is hardly enough, WE NEED TO DO MORE!!!!! Let's continue to raise awareness and inspire people to do their part. YOU can even do something in your own little way. As @xtianbautista told me,'a small effort can make a big difference'


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




