ニコ&ヴィンスのインスタグラム(nicoandvinz) - 10月28日 17時57分

Had to repost this picture from our friend and the most the hardworking director we know @kavarsingh . Love working with film so much! Love working with hardworking people who dares to dream! No idea is stupid, no idea is to big, no idea can't be done! Why should we settle for the typical norwegian standard on our videos? Our goal is to be global stars and worldclass artists! That means we need worldclass product on every level! There is nothing that can't be done with the power of the mind! As soon as you realize that, everything becomes possible:) The universe is set up pretty easy. "Think it, want it, do it", and ALWAYS believe!!! The ONLY thing with the power to stop you is yourself!! Why? Because this world is full of distractions and shortcuts. Don't get lost in society! Be a winner! You are too powerful and resourceful to not make it! Hope everyone had a good morning! Even if you didn't, forget it, it's now in the past! New day, new possibilities and this is monday! The beginning of a whole week of new chances! Make sure this will be the best week in your lives! Life is not easy on the outside, but don't let that decide how you feel on the inside! YOU control YOUR world no matter what they throw at you! Wish you a great week ;)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



