キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 10月28日 14時20分

#iLoveFriendships #iLoveLove some how these two families have managed to stay connected, from the generation of our parents to the generation of Jordan and Jake! Interestingly, they get a long and Share whatever they have with one another! I also notice that they are happy and excited when the other iS on to something new/ fresh! Loyalty and love is amazing! God shows himself in every way. From reading @lakishacharrise page Jordan let Jake get a wish in by letting him blow out the last candle. I've grown with some great people and I've met great ones too! God I thank you for everyone "Jake" and "Jordan" that you've placed in my life. People who are genuine and true! (David and Jonathan) Bless them to go higher and beyond what they've ever dreamt of... Allow us to stay connected to you through good people. We may not see each other all the time but put in our hearts that we'll always have each other. #iLoveJesus #friendships #forAllMyDayOnes and #RideOrDies #youKnowWhoYouAre


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