ディロン・フランシスのインスタグラム(dillonfrancis) - 10月24日 03時37分

I am very proud to announce that we raised over $6,000, with the highest bidding shirt reaching $1,500!!! Through this donation, the charity organization "After School Matters" will be able to fund a professional instructor for one program cycle. Their mission is to help provide Chicago public high school teens with the opportunity to gain critical skills for college, work, and beyond.

My good friends @flosstradamus will also be contributing to them in the near future.
Thank you to everybody who participated. For those who won.. you are truly making a difference.
Shout out to Kristina, Austin, Brisa, Austin D., Nicole, Mathilde, James, Letitia, Michael, Thierry, Kristin, Destiny, Steven, and Isabela who won the bids! I will be sending out the shirts soon!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




