タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 10月16日 00時32分

Message to mommy and daddy.... Mother I didn't pick my father... You did... Dad I didn't pick my mother that was your move... Look at me, I'm innocent laying here on a pillow, I can't eat without you, I can't move without you.. And if I have to pee or poo I would have to just lay here in it until you change me... I need you to protect me from strangers, don't allow your lonely or your horny to make you bring people around that could harm me.... I am not your man or your girlfriend but if allowed I could bring joy to your life every single day..... I'm relying on you to finish college and be smart so you can provide for me.... I'm relying on you to DEMAND respect so that you can SHOW me how a lady is supposed respected and treated... Be aware of charming and charismatic devils who will smile and use their good energy to get near me but have bad intentions... When you out YOUR needs over my safety it's always the beginning of the end ...
I am relying on YOU dad to be my blueprint of what it IS to be a great father, husband and provider so I can duplicate your actions.... Don't bring strangers around me that will harm me... I'm innocent I will just lay here and hope that YOU decide to love me enough to protect me .... I will miss you when you are gone but I hope that while you're away your friends, surroundings, conversations and intentions are all to my benefit... Goodnight mommy and daddy.... Goodnight...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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