タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月25日 08時00分

Lets speak on something we all struggle with CONTROL:... I decided a long time ago to no longer allow myself to be on the receiving end of anybody's bullshit.... If you don't like or trust your OWN FRIENDS why are they still there..?? I decided to take CONTROL of my LIFE... I decided to own every minute, hour, day, week, month and YEAR.... I DECIDE who I want to be in my life or SPACE.... Be careful of WHO you give EMOTIONAL ACCESS to... Text messages, calls, social media etc... Block haters, friends and even family members that wanna create drama and dysfunction in your life... Unapologetically I've gotten rid of all things and people that don't belong... Cause I have the CONTROL and I sleep real GOOD AT NIGHT... Cause I'm clear... No games, manipulation, lies, or guilt will make me fuck with ANYBODY I don't want to... These are the decisions that are made through having SELF LOVE... Because you go to sleep at night doesn't mean your mind and spirit is RESTING... When your life and surroundings are a nightmare while you're awake... The nightmares will continue into your SLEEP cause your mind don't stop... Protecting your heart, surroundings and children.... Take CONTROL of your LIFE and get rid of what doesn't belong...... - @タイリース・ギブソン


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