TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 9月21日 06時39分

Sometimes it can feel like cities are hectic, unmanageable, filthy, or just plain ugly. But… not so fast! For this weekend’s TED Photo Challenge, the second in our #citiesdiscovered series, we invite you to take a closer look at your surroundings and show us the beauty of what’s around you. We’d like you to make artistic photographs that share an unexpected and delightful scene. You could find polkadots on a manhole cover, capture the rainbow that shimmers in a truck’s oil drip, celebrate the chaos of a traffic jam, even create a composition of geometric shapes in buffed graffiti. We believe that art can be everywhere, and we know that photographers have a unique perspective. We want to see yours.

Project guidelines: Please contribute your own work to the project and use the hashtag #citiesdiscovered. We’ll post a selection of our favorite images on ted.com, on TED’s Cities page [ted.com/topics/cities], our Tumblr [ted.tumblr.com]. And, of course, we’ll regram them right here on Instagram. Ready... set… go!

Featured photo taken at Dead Horse Bay by @ryanlashphotography


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