ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 9月13日 01時00分

This is the only person I can seem to really think about for the past 3 days. I made a small 10k donation to burial costs & I still feel like shit to be honest because I wish things like this didn't have to happen to our children... If you haven't heard, 6 year old Tianna Ricks lost her life to gun violence Sunday & her mother @lost_the_love_of_my_life is lost without her baby. Even being a father of a 3 year old myself I couldn't in my deepest thoughts imagine what Marquia is going through. I can only ask God to hold her near during this time & to cover her & Tiana's father as well as the rest of their family. This is a very difficult time for them & all prayers & support are much needed. If you would follow @lost_the_love_of_my_life & send any bit of love or prayer her way it would be most appreciated. She's stronger than me, because only God knows I couldn't go another day without mine. #JusticeForTiana #RIPlilprincess


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