Herman Miller (ハーマンミラー)のインスタグラム(hermanmiller) - 9月5日 23時58分

"Just what is an artist? We know he isn't a chap who starves in garrets. Matisse has pots of money, and plenty of non-artists have starved in garrets. We know he isn't necessarily a painter or a sculptor—D. W. Griffith neither painted nor carved, but he was an artist. My own definition may not suit you, but it is yours for whatever it may be worth: an artist is someone who gives form to the essence of something. He is a purveyor,
not of comforts, if you please, but of truths. You can always tell when his communication comes through because in the shock of understanding the message there is also the feeling that you had known it all your life."—#GeorgeNelson ?#GoodReads?


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