You know it's funny, social media has taught me a lot about people. You THINK you can find out so much about a person through the pics they post on Instagram. That if they're constantly doin selfies "they must be arrogant" or if they pout too much then "they're concieted, or not happy, friendly ppl", or if they show their fancy items like a new bag, shoes, car, jewelry or whatever it is, then they're "just materialistic". Or if they take gym selfies, then they're a douchebag. Too many food pics-then they're annoying. etc etc etc. But the TRUTH IS..unless we are ACTUALLY friends with these people, we don't know anyone's TRUE story. Instagram has given us a way of "putting our best selves out there. Or our PERCEPTION of our best selves. So perhaps that "gym selfie" girl was an overweight teen that constantly got bullied and picked on at school, and now she's lost weight and feels good about herself and wants to share that with all the ppl that made her feel like shit for so many years. Maybe those "flashy lifestyle" pics are just a way for that guy who works his fuckin ass off everyday to show the world what he's achieved when perhaps for years people doubted him and told him he'd never amount to anything. Maybe the pouts are just what these kids see other celebs doin in the magazines and want to look cool or sexy or fly. Maybe they're just having fun! Let them be! We don't know everyone's story . If they're happy, let them be happy. How does their happiness take anything away from you? Like HOV said "what you eat don't make me shit!" If you don't like a persons pics, then for gods sake, unfollow them! Anything or anyone that brings THAT much anger or bitterness into your life that it causes you to write hurtful and resentful comments is clearly not doing you any favours. Coz they're getting on with their lives happily and leaving you mad and angry. So only you lose! Anyway sorry for the essay just sharing my thoughts for the day. As I've always said, "spend so much time on self improvement that you have no time to criticize others."

jayseanさん(@jaysean)が投稿した動画 -

ジェイ・ショーンのインスタグラム(jaysean) - 8月28日 00時39分

You know it's funny, social media has taught me a lot about people. You THINK you can find out so much about a person through the pics they post on Instagram. That if they're constantly doin selfies "they must be arrogant" or if they pout too much then "they're concieted, or not happy, friendly ppl", or if they show their fancy items like a new bag, shoes, car, jewelry or whatever it is, then they're "just materialistic". Or if they take gym selfies, then they're a douchebag. Too many food pics-then they're annoying. etc etc etc. But the TRUTH IS..unless we are ACTUALLY friends with these people, we don't know anyone's TRUE story. Instagram has given us a way of "putting our best selves out there. Or our PERCEPTION of our best selves. So perhaps that "gym selfie" girl was an overweight teen that constantly got bullied and picked on at school, and now she's lost weight and feels good about herself and wants to share that with all the ppl that made her feel like shit for so many years. Maybe those "flashy lifestyle" pics are just a way for that guy who works his fuckin ass off everyday to show the world what he's achieved when perhaps for years people doubted him and told him he'd never amount to anything. Maybe the pouts are just what these kids see other celebs doin in the magazines and want to look cool or sexy or fly. Maybe they're just having fun! Let them be! We don't know everyone's story . If they're happy, let them be happy. How does their happiness take anything away from you? Like HOV said "what you eat don't make me shit!" If you don't like a persons pics, then for gods sake, unfollow them! Anything or anyone that brings THAT much anger or bitterness into your life that it causes you to write hurtful and resentful comments is clearly not doing you any favours. Coz they're getting on with their lives happily and leaving you mad and angry. So only you lose! Anyway sorry for the essay just sharing my thoughts for the day. As I've always said, "spend so much time on self improvement that you have no time to criticize others."


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