Herman Miller (ハーマンミラー)のインスタグラム(hermanmiller) - 8月26日 23時28分

"As often happens, it takes a few years before you get into a groove of steady work with a designer, but I had an immediate bond with [Studio 7.5]. One other aspect that stuck out to me early on was that Burkhard [Schmitz] loved to watch American TV. He was an early fan of "Letterman" and "Seinfeld." In those early days, he had an up-to-the-moment awareness of cultural phenomena in North America—in politics, too. Studio 7.5 are really good designers for Herman Miller because they have a global perspective; they can see things that we don’t even sense ourselves. When we were getting serious with them about seating, I arranged a meeting with Burkhard and Bill Stumpf in Minneapolis. Bill Stumpf’s observation was that he thought Burkhard could have been from Dayton, Ohio." --VP of R&D Don Goeman on two decades of working with Studio 7.5 #WHYHM


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