レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 8月22日 03時48分

Europe!!! My Amsterdam class on the 4th of September sold out in half a day and I know many if you are bummed you didn't get a spot. BUT - we've managed to squeeze a second class in! Even if they tell you the class is sold out when you sign up, ask to get on the wait list and you'll automatically get added to the second class on that same day when registration for it opens up. Email info@absoluteyogaamsterdam.com to book your spot or if you have any questions. The class is open to all levels.
Can't wait to see you guys! @patrickbeke I'm crashing on your couch 2-5 of September just so you know...? Love! #yogaeverydamnday #europe #amsterdam


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