W E Y L I Eのインスタグラム(weylie) - 8月21日 15時56分

Taking a ? right now and I just suddenly thought of how magical love is. LOL! I used to always hear people say to their significant other 'you make me a better person' and I used to be like 'say whaaa?' But now I finally get it! You seen me at my highs & lows and you never fail to make me a more positive person and a better me. If it wasn't for you, I would have never been able to show my weird side to the world. You make me KNOW that it IS okay to be weird. Or just anything as long as I'm happy being that person. By now, you're probably getting impatient & waiting on me to get out the bathroom already so we can go to the grocery store. Lol okay that's all. Time to wipe! #tmi #ohwell #imnotdrunk #anyoneelsepooping


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