Robin May Flemingのインスタグラム(robinmay) - 8月3日 10時08分

I just happen to be married to a pretty spectacular cyclist. And he just happens to be married to a pretty spectacularly bad cyclist. What this means is that while he happily slows down for me, content to cruise and just enjoy our time out together, I unhappily speed up, kicking and cursing and huffing and complaining that I'm not the best, that I'm not NEARLY the best, that I'll very probably never be the best. I wonder how many things I've given up over the years, because I was so humbled by my own crappiness? How many joys I've sacrificed because I wasn't "a natural" or because I looked just plain silly, as most beginners do? I'm a harsh critic, but my husband's encouraging voice is slowly drowning out my own. And thank God. Because this is SO much fun.


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