ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 8月1日 01時02分

Congrats to the winners of the "Cabo for a day" contest @viet_dude & @instayleen !!!!!!! I had a long day shooting yesterday so after 10 hours of scrolling thru fans.... I'm takin' my black ass to sleep for a few hours but @taydoetv & @leauxsteez booked your tickets & got y'all to the airport so I'll see you two in a few hours for lunch. Me & my family, friends & kids can't wait to meet you.... Shit, I'm actually excited too ha ha ha..... This shit is kool !!!!!! & I know, I know, I'm the shit !!!!!!!!!! #ThankMeLater (Drake voice) ... For all the people that entered contest but didnt win.... Dont be discouraged.. I'm doing another contest for the premier of #MarryingTheGame so keep following @leauxsteez & if you havent followed.... Do so now so that your already on point once I announce the next contest !!!!!!! Oh' & for all the HATERS with no faith who thought the contest was FAKE..... ha ha ha ha..... Y'all got me fucked up lol... Yo bad... Stay tuned to @viet_dude & @instayleen's pages because the #turnup is about to get REAL !!!!! Welcome to CABO !!!!!!!!!! #VivaMexico #FirmBiz #ImRichMightAsWellFlyFansOnVacation #BetYoFavoriteRapperWont #NiggasCantFuckWitMe #AaaHaaaaaTheyComin #Biaaaaaaaaatch


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