Glenfiddichのインスタグラム(glenfiddichwhisky) - 7月30日 00時15分

'Cultivating a Vigirous spirit' as shown here is #Glenfiddich #ArtistinResidence, Jungho. He has installed a scarecrow (or 'Tattie Bogle' as we call them in Scotland) in the barley fields behind Balvenie Castle as part of his residency. There is a wonderful duality around scarecrows, on one hand they are preforming a benevolent role in protecting the farmers crops, but at the same time, by virtue of the very role they play, they also carry air of malevolence. In Japan scarecrows are often fitted with swords or other weapons to make them look even more fearsome. Jungho's scarecrow might wish over the coming weeks that his creator had supplied him with at least some means of defence given what lies ahead… As an active kendōka (剣道家), - one who practises the Japanese martial art, Kendo - Jungho intends on documenting his daily 'blessing' of the scarecrow while dressed in full ceremonial Kendo armour and bamboo sword. This will continue until the barley is ready for harvest and the scarecrow's job is done. The blessing of the scarecrow in turn gives a blessing to the crop itself. Given that after harvest, this barley will be malted and distilled the blessing  is not only Jungho's gift to Glenfiddich but it also fulfils one of the disciplines' of Kendo: To Cultivate a Vigorous Spirit.


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