Putri Anindyaのインスタグラム(puanindya) - 7月28日 08時15分

Ok, yesterday I deleted my post because I can't stand typos I made haha. well, I'll tell you again. next week, I'll go to my grandparents hometown in Pangandaran and Kutoarjo by car!
It's kinda Indonesian tradition to go to a hometown where the grandparents or relatives live every year in Lebaran (Eid Al-Fitr). Here we call it "Mudik". Last year, more than 1.6 million cars and 16 million people "mudik" from the big city to small town. My hometowns quite far from here, more than 400km by car. Though we got to meet a lot of traffics but it's fun because we can celebrate Eid with relatives. (Picture : Reedit of my dad's hometown with Dallas filter in Afterlight, thanks @dirka !)


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