ジョー・キンダーのインスタグラム(joekinder) - 7月28日 00時34分

I rolled into Rifle the other night during one of the warm summer nights. Charlie Barret was in mid-send of the classic Fluffboy 13c. It was a motivating moment being the first thing I saw which then lead to banging out a few new 5.12's before the sun went down. It feels good to be back in a place I know so well. After Jen & Andrew's wedding it's off to shoot with @threepeakfilms and the OR for the annual meets n greets and business hustle. Of course the comp will be sikburd too. My life is always one extreme to the next and never boring and yes!!! I luv it. @jenvennon @andrewbisharat @easternmntn @petzl_official @sterlingrope @グレゴリー @lasportivana


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