レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 6月1日 01時32分

45 minute hotel room sequence:

3 min pranayama. Reclined series ( bound angle, twists, reclined big toe pose, hamstring stretches, ankle on knee), Cat/Cow,
Down Dog to three-legged to core work (knee to tricep, twist, center x5), standing forward bends, OM. Surya A x5 with handstands in every jump forward. Surya B x3 with handstands in transitions. Wild thing to Warrior sequence. Navasana x100. Low lunge to twist to lizard. Malasana to crow to handstand. Pigeon+double pigeon. Seated forward bends. Navasana. Camel, Bridge, Wheel, reclined twists. Savasana. 3 min pranayama.
Namaste. (practice with me tonight in Breckenridge, CO! Meta Yoga, 6-8pm all levels welcome)❤ #yogaeverydamnday


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
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