I've been getting a lot of questions about headstands lately and also seen some not great variations of headstands pop up in my IG feed from various yoga challenges... I am not a huge fan of headstands because it's so easy to align yourself wrong - especially if you're trying new advanced variations and if you're practicing at home without a teacher. Practiced correctly headstand is the king of asanas, yes, but without correct alignment you're putting your neck in a very vulnerable place and may end up with an injury. Please don't copy crazy headstand variations from random people posting on Instagram! Get on your mat every day - let this be your challenge. There is no need to cram your body into a shape you see in a social media feed or take instructions from people that in some cases have zero experience as teachers. Listen to your body and take your practice one step at a time. Yoga is presence, breath, union... We all begin from where we are. I wrote a full blog on alignment in headstand a while back (read it here: www.rachelbrathen.com/how-to-master-a-headstand) but here are some key points if alignment to keep your cervical spine healthy and your body injury free: In full headstand you do not want to be balancing all of your weight on top of your head – quite the opposite. To avoid compression of the neck you actually want to try to keep as much weight as you can AWAY from the head, pressing down through the forearms and using the strength of the shoulders and core to hold the body and balance instead. When the pose is fully mastered, you want to be able to slide a thin sheet of paper beneath the scull. Alignment is crucial! Make sure the exact center point of the crown on the head is connected to the floor (balance a block or a book on your head to find your center) so there is no tilt of the head back or forward. Once in the pose, make sure to engage the core (bandhas!) and lengthen your tailbone towards your heels. Practice safely! Don't let ego direct your practice away from what's actually important: your practice. Be patient. Breathe. Stay present. Namaste, and happy headstanding❤

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 5月26日 01時14分

I've been getting a lot of questions about headstands lately and also seen some not great variations of headstands pop up in my IG feed from various yoga challenges... I am not a huge fan of headstands because it's so easy to align yourself wrong - especially if you're trying new advanced variations and if you're practicing at home without a teacher. Practiced correctly headstand is the king of asanas, yes, but without correct alignment you're putting your neck in a very vulnerable place and may end up with an injury. Please don't copy crazy headstand variations from random people posting on Instagram! Get on your mat every day - let this be your challenge. There is no need to cram your body into a shape you see in a social media feed or take instructions from people that in some cases have zero experience as teachers. Listen to your body and take your practice one step at a time. Yoga is presence, breath, union... We all begin from where we are. I wrote a full blog on alignment in headstand a while back (read it here: www.rachelbrathen.com/how-to-master-a-headstand) but here are some key points if alignment to keep your cervical spine healthy and your body injury free:

In full headstand you do not want to be balancing all of your weight on top of your head – quite the opposite. To avoid compression of the neck you actually want to try to keep as much weight as you can AWAY from the head, pressing down through the forearms and using the strength of the shoulders and core to hold the body and balance instead. When the pose is fully mastered, you want to be able to slide a thin sheet of paper beneath the scull. Alignment is crucial! Make sure the exact center point of the crown on the head is connected to the floor (balance a block or a book on your head to find your center) so there is no tilt of the head back or forward. Once in the pose, make sure to engage the core (bandhas!) and lengthen your tailbone towards your heels.

Practice safely! Don't let ego direct your practice away from what's actually important: your practice. Be patient. Breathe. Stay present. Namaste, and happy headstanding❤


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