クイントン・ジャクソンのインスタグラム(rampage4real) - 5月18日 23時36分

I've been a fighting for almost 13 years,I may not have won em all but I was in em all. I wanna give respect to all the pro fighters n the world that put their life and health on the line just to entertain others,cause if u dare lose,a Lil pain,and a pay cut is not the last of our unfortunate out come... We also have to deal with negative fans that will forever be just that.. Negative. And sometimes that can be just as upsetting as a lost. But let's not focus on the negatively of our job even thou we are human beings,SOME fans feel like we don't have feelings. Just remember that once a champ always a champ,and Legends never die. That fact and the positive fans makes it all worth while. (I'm coming back 2 MMA soon,and I'm gonna continue 2 keep it real)


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