レキシー・プリースマンのインスタグラム(lpriessman2016) - 5月18日 12時29分

So bay... First off Happy birthday! I still remember the first day we met
We were too shy to say much at all
It's funny to think back to that time
Because now we're having a ball!
Our bond is extremely special
It is unique in it's own way
We have something irreplaceable
I love you more and more each day.
We've been through so much together
In so little time we've shared
I will never forget all the moments
that you've shown me how much you cared.
The world could use more people like you
it would certainly be a better place
I love everything about you
You are someone I could never replace.
Our story will continue to grow
With each passing day
Because I trust that with you by my side
Everything will always be Okay.
You are so dear to me
You know I will love you until the end
I will always be there for you, and
You will always (and forever) be my best friend.
I ❤ you so much and I hope you have a great day! I wish I could be at your party! :/ sorry I couldn't make it but we will hang when we get back:)


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