アラニス・モリセットのインスタグラム(alanis) - 5月11日 02時31分

my favorite way is attempting, as best as is possible, to be in silence. to create stillness. it doesn't take much for me to feel connection with spirit...i simply reach out, the way i would do with a friend. sometimes i'll see images in my mind's eye, sometimes i will "hear" a message of self-care, sometimes i will feel a deep peace, or a sadness that i had been avoiding. other times, i will read something from an inspiring book and that will kickstart the re-connection. puttering, also a great way, with my female diffuse awareness, to rest, in a way, and let the divine come through effortlessly. dancing, being outside, feeling a breeze, or being near a big body of water helps. anything that has me breathing deeply and being in awe. being present. #questionoftheweek thanks John!


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