ニッキー・シックスのインスタグラム(nikkisixxpixx) - 4月18日 03時17分

Last day home with the family before the madness of the tour begins.So excited my sister is gonna join me on the road for a week and then Courtney and Leica.I hope I can get a couple if my kids too but it is hard when we tour during the school year.I miss them deeply when I tour.You wake up one day, your young and you know exactly what you wanna do with your life and sometimes, just sometimes it actually comes true. I am beyond grateful to get to play all these songs we have worked so hard every night. For the fans who have supported us and still support us for over 30 years I can't say thank you enough.We did this together.
So too make a long story longer, it's time to pack my suitcase and cameras and soak up these last few moments at home.#grateful #MotleyCrueTour #HomeSweetHome


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