ヘイリー・ウィリアムスのインスタグラム(yelyahwilliams) - 4月8日 13時33分

It's good to have good friends who support what you do with your life. I'm not really in any position to give advice but if you'll bear with me a moment while I just try it out... Only keep people around you who lift you up when you're down and support you for who you are. That doesn't mean throw out the ones who show you tough love... But just choose carefully your company. Think of the people who make your world a positive place and who YOU want to make the world a positive place for. On a - sort of - more personal note... Even if our new record is a pile of turds, I'm so grateful for the friends I have who have supported the guys and I over the last 2 years while our band went through probably the weirdest, roughest, and actually mostly beautiful season of our lives. We couldn't have grown one bit or kept running after our dreams if we didn't have some amazing people running alongside us to tell us that it's worth something to try! You all know who you are. I love you guys.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




