VuTheara Khamのインスタグラム(vutheara) - 3月1日 06時32分

#InstagramMeansToMe I discovered Instagram in February 2011. Since 2 years I capture daily life in Paris or elsewhere just for the pleasure of sharing my vision to the world. I discovered photography through my iPhone4 thanks to Instagram. I love the simplicity of sharing and geolocating, as well as the possibility to give my point of view. Meeting great people via Instagram is just as important to me.
My greatest memory with Instagram was during the opening of "Point Of Vuth" display in local start-up in Paris in May 2011. I exposed 80 pictures that were hung with clothespins. The pictures were sold for 10 euros each. At least 100 people came and 480€ were collected during that only evening. The money was given to a charity association, helping children who work in the dumps in Cambodia.
Instagram has given me a new vision of the world, a new way of seeing things ... I want to thank @Instagram for developping my passion for photography and helping me to share it with lots of people.
Congratulations to the entire @Instagram team for reaching 100 million users. #latergram #cambodia


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