クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 1月28日 07時34分

You know....Jiro isn't the only expert of his kind in Japan. Thanks to DJ J Period I learned of another expert in his field: Abe-San is the sound quality god. He designs turntable needles. But not just any old needles. His are regarded as bar none the only needles djs swear by. Much like Jiro, Abe-San does not believe in cashing in for mass consumption. I mean both of them could easily do so and be gazillionares. Even if the quality is lost just off their name and rep alone. But both tell me legacy is more important than asset level. So as a result, if Abe-San feels what you're doing then you too can own needles your record collection would DIE to be utilized on. Trust. #Tokyo


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




